- Teacher: Neelam Patil
- Teacher: Saheli rajput
Reference Books:
1. David Daiches: Critical Approaches to Literature, 2nd ed., Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2001.
2. F. L. Lucas: Tragedy in Relation to Aristotle’s Poetics, New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1970.
3. Humphrey House: Aristotle’s Poetics, Ludhiana: Kalyani Publishers, 1970.
4. M. H. Abrams: A Glossary of Literary Terms, Singapore: Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
5. Rene Wellek: A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1950, Vols. I-IV, London: Jonathan Cape, 1958.
6. M.A.R. Habib: A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present, Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
7. Boris Ford (ed.): The Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vols. 4 & 5, London: Pelican, 1980.
8. Patricia Waugh: Literary Theory & Criticism: An Oxford Guide, Delhi: OUP, 2006.
9. M.S. Nagarajan: English Literary Criticism & Theory: An Introductory History, Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2006.